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[TCML] A few TC questions

Hello group,

Well I haven't done any tesla coiling in about 2 years, and it's going to be a few months before things warm up here in Canada, but I'm getting things re-setup so that I can get back into the hobby.

I recently bought a used 12Kv 60mA NST, it's one of the brown colored Allanson transformers.  I measured the output and I get about 14Kv ac out of it, not bad.

I build a new Terry filter using all the recommended parts.

I added a third layer to my MMC capacitor bank, now i have 0.032 uF(it was 0.0212uF), is this too big for my 12Kv 60mA NST?
The reason I did this was so that I could add a larger toroid to my coil, right now I using a wimpy 12 x 3 inch one.  I don't have enough turns on my primary to tune a larger toroid.  

What should the gap space be on my spark gap, I know I used to have it written down, but new I can't find it.  My spark gap is a three segment tungsten, 2 gap spark gap with a fan.  The electrode are 3/8 inch with flat faces.  

The safety gap has three, 1 inch brass balls.  What should I space them at?  Is the safety gap suppose to fire before the MOVs conduct?

Last question:  I'm going to use a ground rod this time instead of the house electrical ground ( I've had no trouble yet).  What should my coupling be set to,  Primary center line to bottom of secondary?


Shaun Epp

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