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Re: [TCML] Bremsstrahlung radiation
Hi All,
Just to add a little more context to my question (at the risk of going
off topic)... I was thinking about using highly accelerated heavy
ions trapped in a circular orbit as a means of storing energy (in case
I wanted to use my Tesla coil where no good power supply was
available). I discovered that if I did manage to store the energy I
required, then this would be dissipated as Bremsstrahlung radiation.
However I have been thinking that it may be possible to capture this
energy and then re-use it to accelerate the ions again, thus
re-cycling the energy, allowing the system to hold its 'charge' for
longer. In order to utilize the energy stored in the system for
driving my Tesla coil, instead of recycling the Bremsstrahlung
radiation for accelerating ions it could be converted in to electrical
energy. What do you think? Could this work? Is there a good way of
converting x-rays in to electricity? Any idea on the radius per a
given storage capacity KWh? :)
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 5:02 PM, Gary Peterson <g.peterson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On the back cover of the book NIKOLA TESLA: LECTURE BEFORE THE NEW YORK
> ACADEMY OF SCIENCES--APRIL 6, 1897 Jim Corum points out that Nikola Tesla's
> independent discovery of X rays, unlike Roentgen's, was primarily based upon
> sources that produced X rays by vacuum high field emission and the process
> now known as bremsstrahlung. While Roentgen employed a gaseous discharge
> tube utilizing electron avalanche, Tesla's cold cathode tubes worked best
> with high vacuum. Tesla's distinctive approach presaged the way for high
> energy particle accelerators, permitting the utilization of megavolt
> potentials, single electrode tubes, atmospheric bremsstrahlung, and a
> variety of intense beam techniques.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Rutherford"
> <chrismrutherford@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 3:00 AM
> Subject: SPAM-LOW: [TCML] Bremsstrahlung radiation
>> Hi All,
>> It appears the Bremsstrahlung wikipedia page credits Tesla with the
>> discovery of Bremsstrahlung radiation, however the page is lacking a
>> citation. I was wondering if anyone could point me to a reference,
>> i.e. CSN, NY labs, where he did experiments with accelerated ions in
>> fields?
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bremsstrahlung
>> Many thanks
>> Chris
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