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Re: [TCML] Air flow for spark gap


The amount of air flow needed depends on the power level of the Tesla coil.
In most cases with a single NST, a muffin fan will suffice.  I think the air
mostly keeps the gaps cool, this in itself helps the quenching.  Otherwise
as the gaps heat up, they'll fire at a lower voltage, or fail to quench, and
the spark output will diminish.  The air probably doesn't directly assist the
quenching very much, rather it insures that the gap continues to quench
well, by keeping the gaps cool.  

Also, if too much air flow is used, it doesn't really "over-quench", instead
it may *prevent* gap firing at times, and can lead to unsteady operation.





-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Brodie <pbbrodie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sat, Feb 27, 2010 1:33 am
Subject: [TCML] Air flow for spark gap

How much air flow do I need to have with a TCBOR/Richard Quick type gap? 

I have seen everything mentioned from muffin fans to shop vacs. I suppose if all 
I'm looking for is a little bit of cooling, a small muffin fan might suffice but 
if I am trying to help quench the arc, don't I need a good bit of air flow? 

I have a several of options and I would like to know if any of them will work. I 
have a 6" diameter 24VDC round exhaust fan rated at 235 CFM and I have another 
24VDC fan that is 8" diameter and rated 377 CFM. Powering them is no problem 
because I have plenty of gel cell batteries to do it with. Since they are so 
much larger in diameter than the 4.25" diameter PVC pipe the spark gap is in, I 
will obviously have to use an adapter to mount one but I don't see this as too 
much of a problem.

I also have a shop vac I can use but I prefer to have a dedicated fan mounted on 
the spark gap. Thanks for any advice.
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