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Re: [TCML] sparks from water

Frosty wrote:
I belive that device works through charging by induction, stray static
charge gets it started, when one drop of water becomes charged and lands int
the left hand bucket, the left hand bucket is conected to the right hand
'ring' which induces a charge of opposite polarity on the opposite drops,
which in turn induces charge on the other side etc,


google "Kelvin water dropper"

A bit tricky to get them to work (insulation is the key) but lots of fun. You can build really big ones (using things like 2 gallon metal pails) or tiny ones.

Somewhere around I have a paper from the 19th century describing one using a sort of shower head.

 This is pretty amazing too but he leaves it to the watcher to figure
out how it works!


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