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Re: [TCML] Tesla Coil Computer Interference [Update 2]
As I may have mentioned 8)>> I used to earn a living in
emi/rfi. The physics is rigorous, and nonobvious/subtle
enough to look like magick, sometimes. It can be near
impossible to troubleshoot in on line discussion, and i am
(literally) off for vacation.
I would not use the description below. The safe-safe thing
is to unplug (not just turn off) the computer, or other
potential victim. What is it worth to NOT trash it?
Sometimes the victim recovers, sometimes not, and sometimes
the damage is cumulative.
Given time, budget, patience, added filtering and Good
Isolation transformers will do as well, however the
debug, and risks (as above) can be expensive. At minimum,
I'd want the PC/other victim on another 'circuit': that
is NOT guaranteed...
Wish it was easier to explain/solve.
NEC (the Code) has essentially nothing to do with this: NEC
is to do with 'gross safety': electrocution, fire hazard, etc..
New dwp: dave_p@xxxxxxxxxxx
----- "Brandon Hendershot" <brandonhendershot@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Again,
> I seem to have fixed it! I just switched outlets. I plugged the coil
> into the outlet the computer was plugged into, and the computer into
> the outlet the coil was plugged into.
> I'm thinking it went something like this; Say you mount a small LED to
> a power source. It works fine. But put a larger load after the LED,
> like a standard light bulb (just work with me), and the light bulb
> will draw too much 'power' across the LED, and *pop*, the LED's
> fried... Or would it simply draw power "away"? I probably should know
> this kind of stuff considering the hobby... o_0
> Now I don't know enough about electrical code to confirm that this is
> my case, but do you think it works similarly? The LED obviously being
> the computer, and the light bulb being the coil?
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