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[TCML] Great stuff for sale!

Sorry for seeming to run a store on the list guys :-( . My group is still trying to pay for our engineering project which still sits incomplete http://www.teslamad.com/
As I promised, here is another coil that I goofed up and was planning to 
sell as soon as I finished it. This one is absolutely PERFECT... just 
not built to our specs. My goof is your gain. Im not happy with its 
construction, but the last guy who bought all three of the last ones 
gave me some awesome comments on my construction and attention to detail 
that made me feel all warm and fuzzy... not that way lol. Anywaz, heres 
the pics below. The windings are 21in, and the overall height is 24in. 
The coil is wound on 4in white PVC so the outside diameter is actually 
4.5in. The end bolts are 3/8in

This secondary fits very nicely (below) in a small table top setup dont ya think. This is to give you a kinda a scale comparison. I know... not real helpful, but I figure it kinda gives you a physical aspect ratio.

Lastly, I have an extra motor that would be awesome to either convert to a sync motor or use in a ARSG. Heck you might not even have to modify it since it has other speeds, im just not sure what the other three settings are. The max is 1050 RPM. Kinda slow, but engineer it right and you can have a low velocity gap. Might end up being kinda like a static gap due to the dwell time but hey its worth a shot. This motor is big, great for a big setup. Its a 60Hz 115v motor. Like I said, 4 speed, max 1050 rpm. You can cut off one arm like i did with a grinder. Then shorten the other rod to whatever size you need. The rotor dia is .5in

Anything I make off these will be helping my group. I'm trying to get $50 for each. Thats gonna help us get are new SRSG disc laser cut at the shop. We all really appreciate the support! Contact me off list if you're interested. arobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or please do call (336) 287-2006 (919) 747-9931 Its been really great actually talking on the phone with some of you lately. Talking with other coilers that bought stuff, sharing knowledge. PLEASE dont be shy. Its kinda nice to know there physically are other people out there... not just text people on a computer screen.

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