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Re: [TCML] Re: Solid state efficiency, was: mini Tesla coil specs
These are great (and BIG) coils Greg!
With 100 BPS @ 25 kW operation 120L50k would create even
longer discharges than at 350 BPS @ 25 kW I guess.
Do you (dis)agree?
BTW, compared only loss of IGBT in OLTC and spark gap
loss in SGTC (at same power level and BPS) which one is higher
at tesla coil frequencies?
--- lod@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Greg Leyh <lod@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [TCML] Re: Solid state efficiency, was: mini Tesla coil specs
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 11:40:18 -0800
Hi Steve,
I'd tend to agree that low voltage silicon switched tesla coils tend to
be less efficient than HV spark gap switched systems, for the simple
fact that a low voltage system requires far higher currents and lower
copper losses than a typical HV SGTC design.
Most SS systems I've seen have Zchar values below an ohm, requiring
milliohm-level copper losses to be efficient. The coppersmithing
required here is usually beyond the home-depot off-the-shelf approach.
Still, with the relatively few coils that I've built, the SS coil
outperforms the SGTC's by far, in terms of spark length/kW. The SS twin
prototype shown here is operating at ~7kW and easily bridging 16ft:
The Zchar is only 0.75ohm, yet in can just bridge 18ft at 7kW, or about
2.5ft/kW. The larger 120L50k SGTC below will bridge about 25ft at 25kW,
yielding ~1ft/kW:
The SS coil required a significant amount of coppersmithing to get the
efficiency up. But I think the perfect quenching that a SS coil offers
may the biggest reason it outperforms the SGTC coil. GL
Steve Ward wrote:
> Dex, Id say yes, they (low voltage silicon switched tesla coils) are likely
> to be less efficient (than HV spark gap switched systems).
> In fact, the question of efficiency (in terms of spark length per input
> watt) has yielded un-clear results in all of my ventures. Basically, the
> measurement accuracy of both power and spark length have enough error to
> cover any claim that silicon based designs are more efficient than spark gap
> designs.
> My work has led me to believe a few things... A good SGTC and a good DRSSTC
> will have about the same spark length efficiency per input power. Ive heard
> claims of SGTC performance that rival my best DRSSTC efforts (i think
> Nemesis was one of these systems that seems particularly efficient). In any
> case, the DRSSTC doesn't seem to be exceptionally more efficient than a good
> SGTC. What i have noticed is that a shorter driving pulse to the resonator
> (aka, energy transfer time) seems to be more efficient at producing the same
> spark lengths with less power on my large DRSSTC system. In order to do
> this i had to lower the primary characteristic impedance so that the primary
> current/voltage would ramp up faster. In this test the improvement was
> definitely clear, about 20% less input power for the same spark length
> performance. But what that 20% really means to a tesla coiler, i dont
> know... The point i wanted to get to was that a SGTC system still dumps its
> bang energy into the spark *faster* than i could manage with my DRSSTC.
> Now, a SISG or OLTC (which function as the spark gap) should be able to
> achieve exactly the same energy transfer time as a SGTC, but i have yet to
> see results of one of these systems that shows it outperforming a well
> designed SGTC. So i think energy transfer time to the spark is very
> important. Take the extreme example of the quasi CW systems like the old
> SSTCs and VTTC system that worked off of many mS long pulses. These systems
> can use huge "bang" energies, yet produce relatively short sparks. If the
> same bang energy was delivered in just 10's of uS, the sparks would be many
> times longer.
> I wonder what ever happened to Mr Burwell... It sounds like he had a good
> grasp on this (power semiconductor) stuff, someone i wouldnt mind chatting
> with.
> Steve
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