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Re: [TCML] newer tesla coil parts

Mainly because heating elements look awful and light bulbs are glass and can break and I honestly do not see how one would use them in this application. Remember these are for a Terry Filter.
As for the 175 watt resistors, they are 175 watts and the more expensive 
Digi-Key resistors are only 100 watts. It is immaterial now because the guy 
turned down my offer with some comments about me not trusting him. He said I 
should just commit to buying them and accept however much he winds up 
charging for shipping. I don't send blank checks to anyone.
Think Positive.

----- Original Message ----- From: "William Noble" <william_b_noble@xxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 4:40 PM
Subject: RE: [TCML] newer tesla coil parts

have you tried calling local surplus stores? try Ford Electronics in Fullerton, for example - you can also get resistors in high wattages very cheaply from appliance repair stores - of course they call them "stove elements" but they are just high wattage resistors.

Why, if you are going to spend $70 anyway, not buy from Digikey and get new parts that you can get more of when you want them?

Why not use 100 watt 220V light bulbs? they are cheap, they give you a visual indication of power passing through, and they are readily available.
From: pbbrodie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [TCML] newer tesla coil parts
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 14:10:07 -0500

Reply to self.
I went back and looked again at Digi-Key and found that the price for 10 of the 1.0kohm 100 watt resistors is $6.50 plus approximately $9.50 to ship via UPS ground. they won't give an exact amount for shipping, until they actually ship them. I wasn't going to buy them just to find out how much shipping costs. :-o
So, I sent the guy with the 175 watt 1.2kohm resistors an email and gave 
him the information about the Digi-Key resistors. I asked him if he will 
sell me 10 of them and ship them with USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail, large 
box, which only costs $13.35 and that I would pay $20 for shipping to give 
him extra to pay for his packaging supplies. This is absurdly generous but 
you should read what he writes about how much it costs to ship these. 
Anyway, he is asking $4.99 a piece for these resistors and he quotes 
$13.57 to ship one and $16.15 to ship 2 and a whopping $40.61 to ship 10 
of them! :-p
If he will accept the offer, I will have $70 in 10 of them. I will let 
anyone who wants any of them have them for the $7 plus whatever it 
actually costs me to ship them to you. Keep in mind that these are large, 
10" long and 1" in diameter and they are the type that look like buss 
fuses. They have metal caps on the ends that snap into a clamp. You will 
most likely have to make a clamp like those that class tube type fuses 
(AGC fuses) snap into.
If any of you are interested in these, including those of you who wrote 
before, please let me know and if enough people are interested, I will go 
ahead and get them, if he agrees with my offer.
Think Positive
----- Original Message ----- From: Paul Brodie
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 19:38
Subject: Re: [TCML] newer tesla coil parts

I just went back and looked again and Digi-Key has part number HLC-1.0K-ND available for $7.15 a piece in a minimum quantity of one. So, $7 just isn't worth the trouble for used resistors that are the type that mount in clamps at the ends. They are also 10" long and 1" in diameter. The guy keeps claiming that it is really expensive to ship them, which is bunk. He wants over $20 to ship them, claiming they have to have all sorts of protection to keep them from breaking during shipment.
I ship stuff almost every day and I make sure nothing is ever broken in 
transit. These just do not require the type of packaging he is talking 
about. Anyway, unless the shipping comes down significantly, I will just 
buy mine from Digi-Key. Thanks to everyone who was interested.
Think Positive

----- Original Message ----- From: Dan Casaregola
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 18:37
Subject: Re: [TCML] newer tesla coil parts

Digikey is currently getting $10.87 each, so I guess $7.00 is pretty good.
I need two also, so count me in.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Brodie" <pbbrodie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] newer tesla coil parts

> Shaun,
> I am in the process of negotiating with a guy to purchase (5), 1.2kohm > 175
> watt resistors. If I can get his high shipping costs down enough to make
> it worth buying them, I will be glad to share with you and let you get 2
> of them from me. Write me off list and I will keep you posted on how > this
> goes. If it works out, I will have about $7 in each of them. I would
> appreciate input from anyone about how much I am potentially paying for
> these. Is $7 too much or about right?
> Paul
> Think Positive
> ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Shaun Epp" <scepp@xxxxxxx>
> To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 12:53 PM
> Subject: [TCML] newer tesla coil parts
> Here are some pictures of my new NST filter. I ordered parts from > digikey
> this time and used the correct values and MOVs( before I was using 3Kohm
> resistors and door knob caps). It's built so that I can change from 7
> MOVs per side to 8. After reading posts on this list, I think I'm going
> to use all 8 for my 12Kv, 60mA NST because it puts out more that 12Kv at
> 120V in and I'm using a variac. I'm using 50 watt resistors for the
> 1Kohms, I can't get ahold of the 100w versions, does anyone on the list
> have some for sale?
> http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr239/growl99/NSTfilterfront.jpg
> http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr239/growl99/NSTfilterback.jpg
> Question:
> My capacitor bank is currently on 2 boards and I'm going to make a 3rd
> board of CD 942 caps (14 caps 0.15uf in series spaced). What are other
> coilers using for board to board spacers?, I want to stack them one on > top > of the other, and legs to keep them off of the floor, right now I'm > using > 1/4 inch nylon bolts with heat shrink tubing over them to strengthen > them.
> thanks,
> Shaun Epp
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