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Re: [TCML] primary tubing
Gary Lau wrote:
> I recall hearing that the current tends to bunch-up
> towards the edges, much as skin-effect pushes it towards
> the outside of a conductor.
We were looking at this effect last year. Look for list
posts around 20th Dec in which the inductance of a ribbon
primary was under discussion. Some models were run in which
the ribbon was modelled with parallel filaments. Successful
match with a measured inductance was obtained and indeed the
current is concentrated towards the edges.
The simple rule is that the current will distribute itself
across the conductor so as to minimise the stored magnetic
energy, and so also by definition minimising the inductance.
This is an additional source of loss, over and above the skin
(We got as far as implementing some ribbon calculating functions
in a major revision of the library software GeoTC - one which
has yet to be deployed.)
Paul Nicholson
Tesla mailing list