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Re: [TCML] Does Patent 500,630 predate Tesla's coil?
Very Well Said Indeed!
joe in texas
On Sat, 30 May 2009 22:03 -0400, mddeming@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> 1) Some of Tesla's work with resonant air-core transformers predates this
> patent by about a year.
> 2) This patent involves a spark-gap oscillator using iron-core inductors;
> essentially a form of inverter to convert DC to AC.?
> 3)?Thompson and Tesla were both pioneers of alternating current
> development, and were familar with each other's work.?
> 4) When Thompson's company?merged with Edison's to form General Electric,
> Thompson became its chief engineer.?
> 5) Your friend probably saw this website:
> http://www.lindsaybks.com/gallery/teslamyth/ttesla2.html
> IMO, Lindsay publications is sort of the "National Enquirer" of technical
> publication. They reprint a lot of out-of-print articles, magazines and
> books from the late 19th and early 20th century, which is great.
> But?while doing so, they also publish and promote a lot of garbage by
> conspiracy theorists, fringe and pseudoscience advocates, alien
> abductionists, quack medicine, free energy, 4th dimension travel, etc.
> It's a good place for experienced coilers to do historical research, or
> even some "crackpot mining" but not for newbies?looking for?a good
> grounding in reality.
> ?
> Matt D.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Harvey (UDN) <harvey.james@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: 'Tesla Coil Mailing List' <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sat, 30 May 2009 9:51 am
> Subject: [TCML] Does Patent 500,630 predate Tesla's coil?
> Greetings...
> A friend pointed out a patent 500630 that appears to predate Tesla on the
> invention of the "Tesla Coil." A link to this patent is at:
> http://www.google.com/patents?id=pdZBAAAAEBAJ
> <blocked::http://www.google.com/patents?id=pdZBAAAAEBAJ&dq=500630>
> &dq=500630
> Any thoughts or comments?
> 73 & Stay Vertical,
> Jim Harvey (W7YV) - The Great Curmudgeon
> Hunkered down in the USA
> FIST # 13337
> SKCC # 3194
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