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RE: [TCML] Capacitor encapsulent
The way to think about a group of seriesed capacitors is, in this case, as a single series of plates and insulators. The arrangement is 'capacitor lead - plate - insulator - plate - capacitor lead - capacitor lead - plate - insulator - plate - capacitor lead'. By this examination, since the plates are conductive, as well as the leads, we can consider the conductive elements that aren't separated by an insulator as a single conductor; therefore, a series capacitor array is simply a single capacitor with multiple sections of insulation: 'conductor - insulator - conductor - insulator - conductor'. This means that if voltage division between components occurs with seriesed capacitors, it should also work with floating insulators and plates.
Christopher Karr
> Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 20:16:39 -0700
> From: dogbrain_39560@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [TCML] Capacitor encapsulent
> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> CC:
> > degrades rapidly. The CDE caps we use in MMC's are
> > actually constructed as two seriesed caps, with a "floating
> > plate" between the two terminals, to effectively double the
> > corona inception point.
> >
> > So, unless you build your DIY cap as several seriesed
> > units, you will get corona and a compromised life
> > expectancy, regardless of dielectric thickness.
> >
> > Regards, Gary Lau
> > MA, USA
> >
> I've read about the "floating plates" tactic before, but I'm not sure I understand it correctly. I get how a number of caps wired in series will divide up the applied voltage. Will a single cap using multilayer dielectric with floating plates between each layer accomplish the same end? Do the "wired" plates and the "floating" plates divide up the voltage equally? Just curious.
> Gregory R. Hunter
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