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RE: [TCML] Capacitor encapsulent

yes, my first coils used winow glass caps in air, a nice blue glow in da dark :-)


    then i got a bunch of glass squares used for shelving for free,.made a huge cap,but that glas was temperd,....one of the plates broke,....sounded like a bomb went off and scatterd glass all over da basement floor,..after that, I made, and still use the famous TCBOR rolled polly/oil caps

                    i read in the older books of using photographic glass plates, this must be superior to the common window glass ?  i dunno..........


> Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 19:54:30 -0500
> From: bert.hickman@xxxxxxxxxx
> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [TCML] Capacitor encapsulent
> CC: 
> Hi Gary,
> I personally witnessed this with an glass plate capacitor in air about 
> 50 years ago with one of the first Tesla Coils I built. The coil used a 
> 10 kV NST and double-strength window glass plate capacitors. When 
> operating the coil, there was virtually continuous corona around the 
> edges of the aluminum foil plates. 
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