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Re: [TCML] Brent Turner Playing "Thor" on History Channel

You're right.I don't know them at all.But their words ,explanation and comparation  made me sceptical about their actual knowledge on these things.Maybe Danielle just pretended,like actress.Possible!However,when you say in public only one misleading thing about such stunts that's not good (in my opinion).Fortunately ,a good thing she said in the end:DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!Nevertheless,not being a child, I was curious and tried it with a tuned Tesla transformer and only 50 W of input power.In such stunt everything goes fine as long as you don't let the arc jump from you to a grounded objects.When this happens you can feel  an unpleasant shocks in hands.At least I felt it . The feeling is surely individual but higher the power level worse the shocks are. In my case the arc was only few inches long.Danielle lets 5-6' long arcs strike the floor beneath.Power level is probably 50x higher than mine and I'm confident that without special setup ,wiring and wearing she would be injured or even electrocuted.Therefore,what the audience see is not really what they think they see.It is documented that one expert already died when powerful Tesla arc from his body accidentally connected to some earthed structure during the stunt.His name was Henry Transtrom.


--- jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

From: jimlux <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [TCML] Brent Turner Playing "Thor" on History Channel
Date: Thu, 14 May 2009 13:32:23 -0700

Dex Dexter wrote:
> Jim,
> Why Danielle Stampe doesn't drop dead when the arc from her "arm" strikes ground?
> Dex  

I neither know nor particularly care.  I suspect it's unlikely you spend 
significant time hanging out with Danielle or Criss on a casual basis. 
Therefore, any observations you make are of how they behave in a public 
setting where they are basically "at work" or in the context of 
interviews where they are advertising their product.

It's not unusual for a performer's public persona to be quite at 
variance with their actual self.  For instance, I know people who can 
only sing in public when playing a role, but not as them self.

If you have a saleable public persona as, say, Barbie the bubble head, 
then it doesn't do you much good to gain notoriety as the author of the 
seminal work on string theory and it's application to deep space 
communications.  This is partly what stage names are all about.

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