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Re: [TCML] Dual 14400 5KA
Hi Jim:
A pig and a PT (Wow! 5kVA!) don't make for a very equitable load-sharing arrangment in general. I'm guessing the PT has by far the lower Z%, perhaps as low as half the pig's or less. I have a very old 2.5kVA PT with a 0.6 Z%! Most pigs seem to be in the 1.5-2.5 range for the sizes coilers tend to find/use. Anyway, mismatched impedances mean you'll be taxing one (the lower-impedance one) more than the other. Also, slightly different turns ratios can make for massive circulating currents in transformers like these. There are probably formulae floating around (perhaps somebody will find/post them) for computing exactly how bad things will be. Who knows? It's probably still better than not paralleling them. And, of course, for intermittent Tesla coil service, most textbook rules for the application of power distribution equipment have already flown out the window ;->
BIL shouldn't matter. It's a mildly amusing figure by itself, but I can't see how it would affect the decision to parallel or not to parallel.
Aaron, N7OE
--- On Thu, 5/14/09, Jim Mora <wavetuner@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: Jim Mora <wavetuner@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [TCML] Dual 14400 5KA
> To: "'Tesla Coil Mailing List'" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009, 8:16 PM
> Hi Group,
> I have a nice PT 14400 5KVA installed in a cabinet. I
> recently acquired a
> 14400 5KV smallish pig. I am finishing my 12" coil. The
> next one will likely
> be a 22" sonotube (I'll coat it when it gets really hot and
> dry here and put
> it in the garage off the floor for next spring.
> My question is can I parallel these without any perceived
> problems? I don't
> understand BIL ratings or the transformer impedance rating
> too well. Will
> these unknowns come back to haunt me?
> Thanks,
> Jim Mora
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