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Re: [TCML] Ballasting my Homemade Transformer
Thanks for both of those replies, I wanted to check my own understanding was
correct before I went down the wrong 'garden path' with my thinking. I had
read Richie Burnett's page
http://www.richieburnett.co.uk/ballast.html#inductive in which he mentions
the short is reflected back to the primary resulting in all the volts are
dropped across the inductor, but other old archive postings also told of
overheating ballast coils.
This to my 55 year old DC 'trained' mind equated to a DC resistor. But of
course I^2 * R, at the currents we are using, soon becomes several hundred
watts just on the coils *own*winding resistance - this was where I had been
(Another handy page was this one
http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/teslatutorial/ballast.htm )
Provided I use a big enough conductor size to keep its R value down, and
enough turns for the required inductance on a suitable core (thermal and
saturation issues) I will be ok.
I have the option of getting an old 35 Kg three phase inductor, or using a
couple of the four pairs of 'C' sections that are 2 sq inches each, so
either way my modest 16 amps is easily attainable.
Thanks for your input and help.
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