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Re: [TCML] Don't forget the Terry Filter! neighbors
Hey Bart,
Your neighbors are brave, I ran my coil on Halloween night
downtown at my cousins house, I only had three people ask me anything
about it the whole night, running it in public for about 4 hours (on
and off of course, short 1-minute runs as people walked by on the
safety of the sidewalk) in front of just about every person who passed
by. I guess the people of Berwick Pa don't care about 5 foot
lightning bolts...
Scott Bogard.
On 3/22/09, bartb <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Yesterday, I went after cleaning up in the garage. My little 4.5"D coil
> was full of dust and debris, so I cleaned it off. I decided to put some
> of the pieces back together (NST was out). Anyway, after the cleanup and
> remounting the NST, I decided to give it a little test run. Nothing!
> Hmm... I remember I had a problem with the Terry Filter that I had yet
> to dig into. So, I unhooked the Terry filter and gave the coil another
> go. ZOOM!! Lot's of great sparks in the 5 foot range.
> Unfortunately, I had my garage open. A couple guys working on a house
> across the street showed up. After answering all their questions, I
> decided to run it again for them. Well, you know how that goes. Ran it
> for too long and too high of power. It ran great, they were thrilled.
> But, it all ended right when I decided to shut it down (hand on the
> variac just starting to turn it down). I didn't think much of it, but
> today I decided to check it. The NST is dead for the 3rd time. Looks
> like I'll be melting the wax out (it's filled with wax, so actually an
> easy process at this point).
> The Terry filter also includes the safety gap and I ran without it (took
> a risk and got bit). With the Terry filter, I've ran this coil
> non-stopped for 30 minutes without failure at 1.2KW with a static gap.
> This time without the filter, it lasted only 3 minutes.
> So, don't forget the Terry filter!
> Just a reminder.
> Bart
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