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Re: [TCML] Spark gaps (again)

I guess the 'arc column' voltage drop must be considerably higher in a pulsed transient arc lasting for 10-20 microseconds than in a steady state arc of the same lenght and current.How much higher I don't know.Catode drops should be the same in both cases.Yes/No?


--- jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

From: jimlux <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [TCML] Spark gaps (again)
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2009 20:13:26 -0800

otmaskin5@xxxxxxx wrote:
> I've been following earlier discussions about higher losses
> associated with multi-segmented?spark gaps (i.e., Richard Quick type)
> compared to a?single gap.? It's clear that the experience of this
> group has been power losses are significantly less with?a single gap
> style with adequate airflow.? But I'm not sure I caught why that is.?
> What is the reason that a 0.27" single gap loses less power than an
> 9-gap / 10 pipe RQ gap that has total gap size of 0.27"?? If total
> gap spacing is the same for both, why would one be more lossy than
> the other?

The voltage drop across a gap is the sum of a fixed cathode drop (on the 
order of 50-100V) plus a "arc column" loss which is quite small (for 
high current arcs).

So multiple gaps in series has about the same arc column loss, but 
multiple cathode drops.

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