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RE: [TCML] The Hammertone Predikter

Hi Terry, Et Al,

Damn, that may seem trivial to you! I used to do phase angles with a slide
rule which was easier but three points max accurate. No one in class had a
TI geekdom calculator as I remember. When that very aged teacher died, a
whole lot of radio theory and experience went with him.

When the dust settles, and you folks on the bleeding edge of the frontier of
modern Tesla coiling have jumped the hurdles, I have yet another project to
look forward too ;-)

Thanks for all you folks do,

Jim Mora

-----Original Message-----
From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of piranha
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 12:14 AM
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
Subject: Re: [TCML] The Hammertone Predikter


I worked some equations for telling the amplitudes, phase angles and 
times of the predikters prediktions here:


Trivial circuit theory, but had to wake up a LOT(!!!) of old brain cells 
there !*:D

You could do a lot of "S" domain stuff, but MicroSim does it easier.  
But this allows one to just to punch the stuff into a calculator.

It would be interesting to do ring ups and all to find the phase error.  
At least to see which way to select the components to minimize it.  Also 
to pump in some faults to see how the circuit performs.  But it all 
looks "just fine" really...

May be adding a cap or something could take it to second order to give a 
more uniform frequency response Prediktion??

MicroSim, equations, scope pictures, real working coils!!!! - It might 
actually work!!!  :D  :D  :D


Sorry about the too little or too much pic resolutions...  It's late here ;)

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