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Re: [TCML] Bleeder resistors: [Please read in Courier-New font, 10 point.

Your understanding is excellent.

Both circuits work with substantially the same efficiency.

Having the spark gap across the input is usually favored (acts as a safety gap), and perhaps 
puts less stress on the capacitor (due to charging the cap thru the primary - not so sure that
matters so much - its the discharge that is stressful and in each case, the primary is in series).

Using bleeder resistors is safer and there is no reason not to -- independent of which
circuit is used or whether the capacitor is a mmc, a single cap, or two caps in an equi-drive
configuration (your circuit 2 but with a series connected cap on both sides of the primary).

Only ckt 1discharges the cap reliably - and as has been pointed out, even it does so 
ONLY if there is not a fault in the circuit (a disconnected wire..).?? We should all plan for a
disconnected wire!.

Only other comment is the time constant.? I make mine so that by the time I can walk over from the 
control unit to the cap, I want it discharged to a safe level in that time - perhaps a minute max.
You chose your resistor based on how many RC time constants you need.? 10 minutes is way too
long to prevent accidents, which are most likely going to occur during the iterative tuning process, or
during other experimental jiggering.



-----Original Message-----
From: Davetracer@xxxxxxx
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 1:39 pm
Subject: Re: [TCML] Bleeder resistors: [Please read in Courier-New font, 10 point. ]

Looks like it's time for me to go on another  journey up the learning curve 


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