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Re: [TCML] RFI EMI Filter question

----- Original Message ----- From: "Skip Malley"

You can filter the power line all you want. It will not likely change anything. Think about it. A Tesla coil is a powerful RF transmitter and antenna combination with a peak output of multiple KiloWatts. Any piece of wire connected to your computer is acting as a receiving antenna and the computer is the receiver getting the induced currents in these wires. It is not just the power wires, but the mouse, keyboard, monitor and printer and other device wires "receiving" the signals from your Tesla transmitter.

Funny you should mention that, my current keyboard goes on the blink whenever I run my coil. Previos keyboards never had that problem, but this one does.

Fortunately all it requires is a reboot to get it back working, but it's still a bit of a head scratcher.

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