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Re: [TCML] Flaming Toroid Streamers

We have talked about doing the experiment with alcohol, but never got around to it. We have use a propane flame though. Check it out here.
Oh course the flame here is on the receiving end instead of the sending end. The flame and exhaust plume is basically a current channel.
Jeff Larson

S&JY wrote:

Some time ago there was an interesting post describing an experiment wherein
a small pan (pie plate?) with alcohol in it was placed on the toroid of a
coil.  The alcohol was ignited, and the coil was fired up, resulting in a
spectacular display.  I haven't tried it yet, but I was wondering if others
have and what results were achieved.  Any photos of it would be great to

Any other such experiments, such as streamers issuing from cotton balls
soaked in copper chloride or whatever would be interesting to hear about.


Steve Y.

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