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Re: [TCML] Nothing like first light

Finn Hammer wrote:
Up to 530 Volts out of the capacitive voltage doubler, for first ringdown.
All following ringdowns are up to 1060 volts.
(Ideally. Grid variations and stiffness of supply apply)
Only the top half Sidac is conducting, together with the SCR.
Makes sense. Now I understand your triggering scheme and it's actually easy (harder I'm sure in the real world). Considering a quantity of 6 Mark Dunn boards in series, I still see this as no different. The triggering is still a single SCR. Something I'm going to have to give a try (starting with only the trigger, not the audio modulation). Baby steps as they say.

I`m more than happy to answer all questions.
Cheers, Finn Hammer
Thanks for your patience,

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