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[TCML] Unique power inpendance matchin transformer help
Hi Group,
I have a acquired a rather unique power "Load Impedance matching
transformer". The only reference I can find is to a brother of it that was
miniaturized for Navy use in the Patent files by the same company. This is
likely the protype. Here's the spec:
5kva (conservative) the core is large with a 35in^2 or 280in^3
Manufactured by: Donald C Harder Co. Inc, San Diego, US
They Navy owns use rights on the smaller brother
This one:
Output: HV 3KV-14400KV
Input: 240V 60Hz
The output appears to be center tapped dual wrapped coils and is floating.
There are 20 taps on the inner LV core which terminate on (2) x10 HD
terminal strips which appear to be for cross connecting the input to both
sides. On close observation of the innards, all the taps are connected like
a autotransformer and are interconnected. It has a serial # of 0001 and a
product number 98223. No doubt this could be configured to be resonant with
most practical sizes of Xc.
How to test? I have found an external circuit that can convert mV on a DVM
to mOhms using a 12 volt current regulator chip and 12ohm 1% resistor (cool
trick) tied from ref to the output of the chip.
I also have a 10 volt, 20 amp filament transformer which would result in 600
volts at the highest rating but tapped how? I assume the least amount of
turns...but there are a lot of variables... that I can test each cross tap
with a clipped on Simpson 270 to the output to document the ratios.
Interesting challenge, huh?
The temptation is to rewind the primary to simplify things. On the other
hand, this is a very unique transformer wound with square copper! A adj
ballast and variac would result in the same outcome pretty much, yes?
Jim Mora
Ideas Welcome!
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