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Re: [TCML] 60ma Coil Discharge - comments welcome

I built a 9/60 coil about 3 years ago that did quite well. It can be seen here:

You appear to be on the right path with your coil. As you have seen, most of the replies advise to lower the strike rail. On my coil the strike rail would occasionally take a hit, but there was no glow between the rail and the secondary. I built this coil with 15 .33uf capacitors in series. I believe that the smooth toroid makes for longer streamers, so you may want to invest in a spun toroid.
This coil put out about 36" of spark, with the single spark gap set at 7/32"
Ran like a champ!
Another pic...

Best regards, Dave Goodfellow

Stephen J. Hobley wrote:

This is a picture of our coil with the 'new' 60ma NST with 135uF run

You can see one of the flashes (possibly caused by lint) and a strange
corona running like 4 searchlights from the top of the strike rail
supports (insulated) up to the toroid - we've never seen that before -
anyone know what is causing it?

I'll clean and varnish the coil and take another picture when it's


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