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Re: [TCML] VTTC Curent Draw

If I understand MOT's correctly, they are wired with one side of the secondary grounded which makes it easier for voltage ratings. That being the case, How are they wired? If they are different and wired in parallel, then that would be your problem. Those tubes are usually rated for about 4000 VDC. How much are you giving it?

At 04:29 PM 9/24/2008, you wrote:

I did say in my original post that I'm using 28T of 8AWG.

I think I may have found the answer to my problem, though it's not one I
really like.  My MOTs are not a matched pair, so perhaps this is causing the
issue?  I tried running the  coil with just one transformer.  I'm able to
get 80-90% of the spark length I'm getting with two transformers in series.
Furthermore, I did not go above 20A until I passed 120v on the variac.

When I run with two transformers I pull more than double the current before
I get to 120V.  Does having a matched pair of transformers really matter
that much?

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