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Re: [TCML] rsg pulsing

Usually pulsing is caused by a sync gap which isn't
actually running in sync.  If the 1800 rpm DC motor is
not electronically controlled and synched and phased
to the power line, it will pulse like that.  What I'm
saying is that the 1800 rpm motor might not be
running at exactly 1800 rpm.  Usually the pulsing
will be more extreme at 120 bps however.
The lack of PFC would not cause the problem.

If the spacing of the gap electrodes is somewhat
wide, it will make the pulsing worse most likely.

If you're able to control the motor speed, try
slowing it some or speeding it up, and the pulsing
should disappear.  Then it won't be running as
a sync gap of course, but as an async gap.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Forcina <forcijo10@xxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla Coil Mailing List <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 9:14 pm
Subject: [TCML] rsg pulsing

Ok tonight i took my big coil out for a run since i havent really got a
chance to tune it yet. I noticed that as soon as i got it to 30% or higher on the variac the spark gap and coil started pulsing really bad. it would shoot 6' streamers for about 1/2 second and then stop for about 1/2 second.
The rsg is a dc 1800rpm 240bps.  I still have no pfc so that may be a
problem. Anyway why is this doing this? Any tips or suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.
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