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RE: [TCML] Torroid/Shorted Turn?

Hi! I had an alike thought as even on the early versions of my sstc shooting only 30cm those days I had a toroid heating issue. As I always used airhose toroids, that was definitely nothing to do with toroid magnetizing effect (just to make sure the steel toroid made from a corona ring would not fit a lower frequency Tesla coil I tried it once, and the heating was times higher as the spark length got lower, by the way the effect gets less noticable on higher frequencies, but that is off-topic). So, I decided to try out two different techniques - a split toroid and a toroid placed a bit above the secondary. The second variant felt too bad - the top turn was making sparks on it's own, so on the new version of that coil that would definitely burn the top turn as the terminal gets very hot. The first variant however had some results, but pretty strange indeed - I got no noticable spark growth compared to a solid toroid, but the toroid heat got reduced a bit. As that is an SSTC, the coupling is pretty high however, so you'll probably not notice alike effects on a sparkgap coil or a drsstc. However - the present version of that coil (you can see it here, but I made no pictures with the new terminal yet: http://s8.photobucket.com/albums/a44/TheBypasser/OLSSTC/) still has some slight toroid heating. As the toroid is split and the terminal is sharp I guess the reason are some looped currents still present there, however I doubt that this small power leakage is worth any further toroid research.
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