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Re: [TCML] Terry Filter, Saftey Gap Distance?

Safety gap distance varies for the same supply and voltages. That is a reality and much to do with temperature, pressure, electrode geometry, material of the electrodes, etc.. Javatc uses equations from the North report Chp.7, Jim Lux, Pashen, etc... It can predict pretty well the sphere geometry for breakdown. But with safety gaps and Tesla Coil applications, the only "right" way to set your safety gap is via trial and error.
Remember the purpose of the safety gap is to limit the voltage. But, the 
main gaps breakdown voltage in comparison to the allowable voltage at 
which the transformer (or cap in some cases) will fail, is the real 
factor to analyze. If the main gap breakdown voltage (say a static gap) 
is only within 1kV of over-volting an NST, then the safety gap only has 
1kV of room. If you go too far, it simply does nothing to protect the 
NST. If on the otherhand you have a 10kV margin due to the main gap 
setting, then the safety gap has quite a bit of room for adjustment. But 
it's hard to say how high a voltage is too high.
So in the end, your stuck just trying to get the safety gap as close as 
possible without it firing constantly. Thus, trial and error is the only 
way to truly set the gap and equations for breakdown are useless (fun, 
but useless). However, I do like them for the main gap setting. 
Equations do get you in the ballpark.
Take care,

ConorPerry@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
As I've increased power my safety gaps on the Terry filter have started firing, sometimes very often.  I've seen the original schematic and several peoples builds, but never seen any distance shown for what the gaps should be.  I'd guess that they'd change depending on the transformer voltage, but what gaps for the standard NST voltages?

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