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Re: [TCML] Disassebling a huge transformer

garry neeley wrote:
How can I figure out the inductance besides using lcr meter?

Use the "3 meter" technique..

First, get a handle on the reactance.. hook up a volt meter and ammeter and feed AC through the coil. Start with low voltage so that the currents are reasonable.

Put the unknown in series with a known resistance, magnitude approximately equal to the reactance of the unknown. Apply voltage to the series combination.

Measure the voltage across the resistor and across the unknown, and the series combination.

Now, you can solve for the R and X of the unknown either with algebra or graphically.

That is, Vcombination = Irms * sqrt(Rtotal^2 + X^2)
You know Irms because it's Vknown/Rknown
Rtotal = Rknown + Rx

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