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Re: [TCML] Baffle tally (was Secondary Troubles)

Hi Gary, All,

Here the data of my 7 coils:

1.) Baffeled: 2 coils
Those are the 8" PVC-sewer tube coils of my medium sized twin, see:
http://home.datacomm.ch/k.schraner/tc8inch.htm  no flashovers.
The 2 internal baffles per coil are glued in with acidfree silicone.

2.) _Without_ baffles, but _with_ endcaps. The following 5 coils:

- Old 4.7" acrylic tube:
http://home.datacomm.ch/k.schraner/tc5inch.htm no flashovers.

- Big "Black & White" coil, with ~16" PVC-sewer tube:
http://home.datacomm.ch/k.schraner/bw_sec.htm no flashovers.
Estimated _netto_ time-sum producing sparks > ~3 hours.

- Two 5" PVC formers of little twin UBTT, see:
Rem.: a second specimen of these twins is at Bern-University.
No flashovers, all 4 secondaries!

- Very small tabletop bipolar TC with ~2" acrylic former, see:
This is my oldest coil. No flashovers noted.

The tuning of my coils I always start with the tap at the precalculated position (by my own TCplan or Bart's JavaTC), which in all cases was close to the tuning point (i.e. < 1/2 turn). I also don't sand the pvc formers nor varnish them, before winding. My coiler buddy Martin Damev (ETH PhD in materials science) told me, our brownish sewer pipe PVC formers to have an antihygroscopic treatment on the outside, which is distroyed by sanding. I'm just cleaning them with water and some drops of dish detergent, an then let them dry in the sun, till they become "electrostatic" (testing with the hairs of my arm ;-) ). After winding I varnish them with PU for mechanical robustness. I avoid having any conducting parts of the secondary in the inside of the former.

So I was never experiencing problems with internal flashovers so far.

Best regards, Kurt

Lau, Gary wrote:
Realize also that the vast majority of coilers use NO baffles
whatsoever, and have never seen an internal flashover (under?).  I
believe the dire predictions for not following one persons coiling
edicts are significantly overstated.

I say this with no hard data before me beyond my own experiences and
the general sentiment expressed on this List, but I have to wonder
for those that have experienced internal secondary flashover - did
the wire enter the interior of the form, or was there some other
identifiable cause for the flashover?

Let's take a tally and get some data.  I'll volunteer to tabulate and
report the results.

For each coiler, please reply and report:

1) Number of secondary coils you have ever built and used WITH
baffles, and how many of these had internal flashovers.

2) Number of secondary coils you have ever built and used WITHOUT
baffles, and how many of these had internal flashovers.

3) For all flashovers, please indicate if there was any identifiable

Regards, Gary Lau

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