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AW: [TCML] Eager to learn: Tuning - Debugging of built Coil System

Hello Doc Resonance,
Jes, I use JavaTC! Conc. this programm, I want to learn to be able to judge,
to evaluate if calculation results are ok, or if some parameters should be
changed to obtain a better overall setup. Good particular answers alredy
recived from Bart, wating for confirmation, if I did understand so far
The other issue, a tuning guide to be used when the (JavaTC designed) coil
is first time fired, I consider as very important, after my first
experiances, where I tryed without a concept forward and backward ...  Now I
have with help of Kurt Schraner a very detailed and very clear
tuning-debugging guide. In my language. German.

If such a tutorial exists in English, I am interested, also as I knew that
"several roads leed to Rome"
and that experts have also differente opinions in particular subjects .-

Regards, Fritz

: Re: [TCML] Eager to learn: Tuning - Debugging of built Coil System

The best start towards this goal is to use JAVATC for the initial design.
This will give you a solid start that works.

Dr. Resonance

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 3:22 AM, Fritz W. Egli <fritz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Dear All,
> Has somebody a written, detailled  ?TUNING ? DEBUGGING GUIDANCE"
> for a existing, built TC coil system, to be fired up first time,
> that can help a newbie to work strictly, structured toward perfection -?
> With the help of a Swiss expert ? a good friend, we coud establish such a
> guidance in German language.
> If same exists in English, I woud like very much to crosschek, to learn of
> possible differente philosophies, differente expert opinions.
> Kind regards,
> Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
> Fritz W.Egli

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