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RE: [TCML] pole pig question ###
I'm intriued by the concept of the "pig in the cabinet". Are there
pictures of this setup?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx]On
> Behalf Of David Rieben
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 7:11 AM
> To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [TCML] pole pig question ###
> Hi Hans,
> That's why I actually place the pole pig inside my control panel.
> I can't accidently bump into any bushng when the pig is com-
> pletely enclosed inside my control panel assembly. Of course
> this added weight does make for an extremely heavy control
> panel assembly - ~ 500 kilograms.
> David Rieben
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hans Schattenmeister" <klugmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 5:19 AM
> Subject: RE: [TCML] pole pig question ###
> The only thing that frightens me about this configuration is the danger of
> electrocution. With two hot HV bushings you can accidently bump one and
> survive. With one bushing grounded the other remains hot at a full 14.4 kV.
> Bump this one and you'll die. Just a thought. Your rubber tennis shoes won't
> insulate you from 14.4. They might protect you from 7.2 kV.
> Herr Schattenmeister> From: drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [TCML] pole pig question ###> Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008
> 07:45:31 -0600> CC: > > Yep, I have have to totally agree with the good
> doctor> about grounding one ear of the pig. As a matter of fact,> since you
> can ground one ear of the pig, this means that> you can indeed use a SINGLE
> eared pig and use the> case as the return ground. "I" tie this case ground
> of the> pig to the RF ground and leave it isolated from the mains> ground
> since I also tie both the primary and secondary> coils' base to the RF
> ground as well.> > I think DC and I may veer a bit in our opinions in how>
> you get the HV from the pig to the base of the coil. "I"> like to use x-ray
> cable and let the outer shield be the> RF ground while letting the inner
> condutors carry the> HV potential. DC has had issues with the Blumlein ef->
> fect from using some type of coax for the transmission line> but I have
> never had any problems with this using x-ray> cable, but that's another
> thread/discussion.> > He is also totally correct in playing it safe by
> completely> unplugging the power before "laying on of hands" to the> naked
> conductors of the primary circuit. Also, make> darn sure that the
> capacitor(s) is completely discharged> (better yet - crowbar shorted!)
> before doing this.> > David Rieben> > > > ----- Original Message ----- >
> From: <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List"
> <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 7:26 PM> Subject: Re:
> [TCML] pole pig question ###> > > >> >> >> > a typo ---- should be NEVER
> trust your life to a relay or switch.> >> > Dr. Resonance> >> >> >>> >>> >>>
> >>> >> Best to ground one of the pigs bushings, ie, run it single ended
> ouput.> >>> >> also, NEVER just "shut off the power while adjusting pri
> tap". This is> >> suicide. NEVER trust your like to a switch or relay.
> ALWAYS UNPLUG the> >> power cord from the wall before going anywhere near
> the pri coil. > >> ALWAYS.> >> Then it can never bite you, and one bite from
> a pole pig usually results> >> in death not just a shock.> >>> >> Dr.
> Resonance> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> This is how I would hook it up.> >>>> >>>
> Connect 240 VAC to the transformer primary with the variac connected in> >>>
> series in one of the lines.> >>>> >>> Put a choke coil on the each High
> Voltage terminal and connect them in> >>> parallel with the spark gap. Do
> not ground any of the HV terminals.> >>>> >>> Connect a wire from the other
> side of the spark gap to 1 side of the> >>> capacitor.> >>>> >>> Connect a
> wire from the other side of the capacitor to the inside turn> >>> of> >>>
> the primary coil.> >>>> >>> Connect a wire from the other side of the spark
> gap to the aligator clip> >>> wire that goes to the other end of the primary
> coil.> >>>> >>> No choke coils in the HV lines at the primary coil.> >>>>
> >>> Connect the bottom end of the secondary coil to a GOOD earth ground.>
> >>>> >>> Connect the strike rail around the outer edge of the primary coil
> if you> >>> have one to earth ground too.> >>>> >>> Toroid or sphere for the
> top load.> >>>> >>> Turn on the 240 VAC crank up the Variac and adjust the
> primary tap for> >>> best resonance frequency. Needless to say always turn
> off the voltage> >>> before moving the aligator clip to another primary
> tap.> >>>> >>> Be sure you have a cooling fan on your spark gap other wise
> it will over> >>> heat and your coil will produce sparks for only about 10
> seconds or> >>> until> >>> the spark gap gets too hot to function
> correctly.> >>>> >>> I like to use 12 guage solid copper insulated house
> wire for all my> >>> connections it makes it very easy to bend the wires and
> put them exactly> >>> where I want them and they stay there. Make sure all
> wires have plenty> >>> of> >>> clearance to prevent arcs to other places.>
> >>>> >>>> >>> http://home.earthlink.net/~gary350/tc10-4.jpg> >>>> >>>
> http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=563_1188208737> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----> >>>>From: Jim Calvin
> <jcalvin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> >>>>Sent: Jan 16, 2008 4:25 PM> >>>>To: 'Tesla
> Coil Mailing List' <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>> >>>>Subject: [TCML] pole pig
> question> >>>>> >>>>Hi guys,> >>>>> >>>> I am trying to test my 25KVA pole
> pig. I am not running my> >>>>coil yet. I wanted to test the system out. So
> this is how I have it> >>>> wired:> >>>>> >>>>I have a 240Vac input with a
> 7.8kKVA variac with a control switch. I am> >>>>using the variac to regulate
> the voltage. I have a 6.5mH choke (hand> >>>> made> >>>>using 10 gauge wire)
> in series with the primary. I have a .05uF (at> >>>> 50KV)> >>>>capacitor
> connected to the HV output of the pole chicken as a test load.> >>>> One of
> the> >>>>HV outputs is connected to GND along with the pole chicken can. My>
> >>>> variac is in> >>>>a control box with a voltmeter and a current
> meter. I
> have a fluke> >>>> meter> >>>>across the input 240Vac of the pole chicken
> after the ballast. Between> >>>> the two> >>>>volt meters I was going to
> check the voltage drop across the ballast see> >>>> if> >>>>the it was doing
> it's thing.> >>>>> >>>>I set the varaic at a 100V using the meter in the
> control box before I> >>>>switch it on to the pole chicken and ballast. When
> I switch it on I> >>>> would> >>>>expect the voltage in my panel meter to
> stay the same and my fluke meter> >>>> to> >>>>be slightly less because of
> the drop across the ballast. I figure my> >>>> load> >>>>should draw about 8
> amps out of the variac.> >>>>> >>>>Well when I turn the switch on the power
> to the pole chicken and> >>>> ballast,> >>>> the> >>>>fluke meter is giving
> 110v and the meter in my control box jumps from> >>>> 100> >>>>to 110V
> (aprox. It is an analog meter).> >>>>> >>>>Then I decided to use my
> oscilloscope (I am part owner of design> >>>> consulting> >>>>company and I
> have access to this equipment) and check the voltage> >>>> before> >>>>the
> ballast and after. Well the voltage after the ballast went up just> >>>>
> like> >>>>the fluke had shown.> >>>>> >>>>What am I doing wrong? Is it
> possible that the HV output is leaking> >>>> back> >>>> to> >>>>the primary?
> What is the isolation voltage between primary and> >>>> secondary?> >>>>>
> >>>>I got this pole chicken from T&R electric. It was actually a gift from>
> >>>> a> >>>> bunch> >>>>of friends/fellow coilers). It is supposed to be
> new/reconditions and> >>>>checked by them.> >>>>> >>>> >>>
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