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Re: [TCML] Gaps (Brown PVC)

Don't just think of UV. There are a lot of nasty reactive ions around the gap including ozone and NOx. Also simple copper oxide deposition is black and will stain too.
Peter  http://tesladownunder.com

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Rieben" <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx>

... Even Bart backed off of his original statement
a bit by restating that he wasn't necessarily saying that
the UV would not cause browning of the PVC, only that
IF the temperature alone was causing it, then there ob-
viously was a serious deficiency of cooling. I had thought
that the UV was the issue in my case too but it had been
so long ago that I had forgotten many of the details and
... However, the posts that you and Adam
have sent in concerning this does seem to verify my suspicion
of UV as the main culprit of this PVC degradation.

David Rieben
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