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Re: [TCML] Spark gap comparisons

Hi John,

FutureT@xxxxxxx wrote:
If the arc distance doesn't affect gap losses, then yes that would explain the results I saw. What is this new static gap that you built?
My static gap is actually old at this point. It's nothing special. It's simply a pvc tube epoxied to a high cfm squirrel cage style fan. The electrodes are 1.25" diameter and epoxied to another pvc form which happens to fit really snug into the pvc tube epoxied to the fan. This allows me to remove it if wanted (haven't removed it in the last year however). Really simple actually. What this particular gap is capable of is running a rather high kw of power. I've run 3kw on this small 4.5" diameter coil with this simple RQ static gap for about 30 minutes continuous with any degradation of spark length. That scenario is not often performed by coilers including myself. But a few months ago, I let it run continuous for 30 minutes.

The gap remained at a regulated temperature the entire period. The NST used is a modified 12/60 Franceformer which ended up at a 10.6kv at 250mA Franceformer with several shunts removed. The NST is simply capable of higher power now. Nothing magic. Spark lengths on this coil are due to the higher power (nothing magic there). But, the gap is what surprised me the most. I was surprised it could handle the power, but it did and still does. My little 4.5" coil sparks are always the same (today or 4 months ago). The gap is simply well regulated with air keeping the temp regular which keeps the spark length regular.


So, it's not a new static gap at all. It's just we regulated and that makes the difference between a good and bad static gap.


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