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[TCML] RQ HV RF filters on PT HV
Hello all,
Lets take a trip down memory lane to "94" from "circuits" in the archives:
"BC1 is a Bypass Capacitor. I use high voltage barium titanate
doorknobs, with stacks of four or more in series. A typical
rating for a single cap would be .003 microfarad -at- 30 KVDC, and
using four of these caps in series I get .0007 microfarads at 120
KVDC. Since the AC rating is about half the DC rating on these
type capacitors, figure a series stack of four will withstand a
kickback of 50-60 KVAC in this use.", RQ
RQ also talks about using iron core 15 turn HV chokes downstream which I
know have been jointly discontinued. I still wonder if the Barium Titanate
caps can take the gap closures since they do take voltage reversals pretty
well. What am I missing???
"I don't know if pole pigs and PT's actually benefit from Terry filters, but
the bypass caps will clearly benefit from the use of resistors.
Regards, Gary Lau
MA, USA" *** well put***
Jim Mora
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