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Re: [TCML] New Geen Monster picks on Flickr
Any idea what's going on? Is this a resonance thing? I've heard of caps on JL's, but have never played with them.
I have ten 35 kV 30 nF caps, so I can get as high as 35 kV 300 nF, but is 35 kV enough? If it ain't, I'm stuck at 75 nF at 70 kV. I ain't gonna risk my Plastic 100 nF cap.
My pig - like yours - probably has quite a bit of BIL that you may be eating into.
--- On Thu, 12/18/08, David Rieben <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> From: David Rieben <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: [TCML] New Geen Monster picks on Flickr
> To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thursday, December 18, 2008, 3:27 PM
> Hi David,
> My panel ammeter shows 60 to 100 amps at about
> 280 volts input, so probably averaging near 20 kVA,
> depending on the strecth of the arc. Strangely enough,
> when ran through that capacitor, the arc seems to draw
> MORE current the further I stretch it out, until it finally
> breaks. Just shorting the ballasted pig through a wire,
> without the capacitor, it works the opposite - touching
> the leads together draws the most short cicuit current and
> the current begins to drop as I stretch out the arc. Con-
> sequently, I cannot stretch the arc but about half as
> far without the capacitor in place as with it, but yet it
> draws just as much, if not more, current per the panel
> ammeter.
> David RIeben
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