Hello, everybody,
I've been reading up on the skin effect, and there's nothing that's very conclusive on it. I have seen arguments that go either way, but no actual studies. I'm in the process of testing this. If you'd like to read about my test set-up, and, possibly, donate to the cause, you may go to my website at
I am in need of a microscope and capacitors, as described on the page, and I was wondering if anybody knew of a way to acquire said items. I haven't been able to find any microscopes powerful enough for under $100 to test the burning of the tissue.
I was wondering if anybody knew of any group that had tested the skin effect on biological conductors.
The theory for the skin effect is simple, but it is hard to understand exactly what forces are to blame. It's also difficult to determine what amperage is enough to cause RF burns over extended periods.