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Re: [TCML] Hi power/ little coil??
It would produce long streamers as long as your toroid is large enough to
protect the sec coil (electrostatically).
Richard Hull did this exact experiment with his magnifier system which I saw
running in Richmond, VA.
His resonator coil was 32'" in length, topped with an 11 ft. dia toroid, and
it produced a 13 ft long spark ---- a record that has never been broken.
It was driven by a 200 kV driver coil, but the main resonator was under 3 ft
long, wound with AWG# 28, and produced 13 ft long sparks!
It was amazing to see in operation.
Dr. Resonance
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 6:34 AM, BunnyKiller <bunnikillr@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hey All...
> I've never done it, but was thinking about it, and was wondering what would
> be the results??
> Take one hi power piggie set up and run a 4" dia. coil wound with say 20 -
> 22g wire for a length of about 30".... and lets go one step further and add
> a "huge" toroid ( compared to the secondary toroid =12"X56" lotsa topload
> ;) )
> Would it produce lengthy streamers or just melt the secondary???
> Scot D
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