Hi All,
Chris Swinson recently wrote:
> my primary will be 4 turns of 2" wide strap separated about
> 1mm apart.. the dia is about 22"
and asked whether turn-to-turn C needs to be accounted for.
My stock reply was 'no', because the overall effect of inter-
turn C has always been negligible in the coils we're used to
looking at.
But this is rather an extreme case and closer inspection reveals
that it does have a dramatic effect, at least on the bare coil
itself, although once the coil is connected to a primary cap
of say 3nF, the effect of inter-turn C is much less.
The inter-turn C, it turns out, alters the coil's effective
inductance, rather dramatically for the bare coil, and is
very significant.
I began a note to explain all this, but it got a bit long,
so I turned it into a web page. In the end it turned into
something of an essay which delves into the concepts of self
capacitance and self inductance and explains how they're defined
and modelled. I try to show how the coil's effective inductance
is altered by the internal capacitance of the coil and use a
spice model for illustration. This effect is something which
occurs in all our coils but is particularly clearly demonstrated
in this extreme primary.
Hopefully it will be an interesting read and will shed some
light on the distributed self reactances of coils in general.