Hey all, hope you can answer some questions for me,
So i had a 450 watt tesla coil running a 230 ish bps spark gap on a 25 nF cap. The resonant cap for my xformer was 21.5 nF, kinda close I realize. but i had safety gaps and a terry filter and never once had an issue. I was pulling 28 inches on my massive toroid (22 pF).
I recently upgraded to a 240 SYNCHRONOUS bps gap and sized up my cap for 14000 volts at 42 nF as suppose to 12000 at 25 nF (for safety of the cap) and now i only pull like, 12 inches off my big toroid. I can pul like, 15 off my smaller 16 pF toroid.
Should i size my cap back down? this was the only changing factor really, and it seems to have a negative impact on performance. My suspicion is that doubling cap sized reduced charge voltage and significantly reduced energy in joules. but i'm not sure, and i would prefer to hear your guys' opinions before i put my original smaller cap bank in the heat of battle. :)
Thanks for the help!
oh, and the sparks are full and meaty!! but they are shorter. the gap never misses and the system rings!
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