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Re: Current Distribution Re: Aluminium aka Aluminum Wire (fwd)

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Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 00:53:24 -0700
From: Barton B. Anderson <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Current Distribution Re: Aluminium aka Aluminum Wire (fwd)

Hi Ed,

Paul's shown that short h/d coils are very linear, but as h/d is 
increased, the current distribution variation increases. Both Paul and 
Terry Fritz did quite a bit of testing on this situation. Yes, the 
topload does help create a more uniformity to the distribution, but it's 
never truly uniform. There are always non-uniformity's, and the degree 
varies with h/d and topload.

Current is never the same top to the base as the original question was 
asked. For the typical Tesla Coil, there is quite a degree of 
non-uniformity, but it is certainly lessened by a nicely sized toroid 
geometry in relation to the coil geometry.

Take care,

>In the absence of discharge from the top the current distribution in a relatively long grounded coil should be about the same as in a grounded quarter wave vertical antenna - almost sinusoidal with maximum at the bottom and essentially zero at the top.  With enough top loading the current should be essentially uniform.