Gerry Mr. Richard: I saw your comments about ground currents at: <> And I arranged the following experiment (enclosed GIF image):A small relay, 12 VDC coil, connected as a buzzer, using normally-closed contact.
A small topload (can of Hair Spray). A medium size metalic cabinet (for office use). An old PC power supply. A small transistor radio.With this arrangement, I connected the antenna of the battery-powered radio to a Ground pin on another room AC outlet.
My idea is: the relay coil, topload and Faraday Cage connected to mains ground, comprises an LC circuit. Every time NC contact is closed, the coil is charged with current. When the contact opens, there is a charge accumulation on TopLoad and a small spark between contacts. I have been able to run this system for an hour long, and arcing has not yet damaged the relay contacts. Anyway, the relay has 4 sets, plenty of spares. Breaks per second is higher than 60 Hz, pretty good for a mechanic reciprocating break.
Observations: * The buzz can be heard outside near the Faraday Cage.* Direct contact of radio antenna to the exterior of Faraday Cage, give stronger signal. * If I disconnect the Negative wire from the Faraday Cage, the signal is stronger, and can be detected at more distance (other power outlets, other rooms). The device still inside the now floating Faraday Cage. * A normal TV reveals noise with and without Faraday Cage. Cannont discern change in level of noise.
My conclusions:* Faraday Cage seems to block more than 10% of signal, no matters if it is coming via ground conduction or radiation. * Ground conduction even with transmitter enclosed in a Faraday Cage, can be detected with a transistor AM radio. Greater range if not encasing the Tx. * We cannot subestimate the electrostatic induction. A Faraday Cage blocks this, leaving the success of the experiment to the ground currents alone. * I think for a working Tesla Link (Tx and Rx), is better not to use a Faraday Cage.
Can you give me your comments about this experiment? Maybe I am doing something wrong to achieve high signal level no matter the Faraday Cage?
I have some ideas for further experimenting with low power Tesla Coils and Magnifiers. Already tested one running CW, maybe consuming 10 Watts. I prefer to work with this toys rather than full-size systems. For security, ease of setup, electricity bill, lack of time, lack of tools, etc.
I am very interested in Tesla Coils for signaling, and power transmission at low levels, enough for a proof of concept and maybe a practical use.
Best regards, Mr. Gerardo. __________________________________________________ Correo Yahoo! Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! Regístrate ya -
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