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RE: UV hazards from sparks (fwd)
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Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 16:32:45 -0400
From: Scott Bogard <teslas-intern@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: UV hazards from sparks (fwd)
Any time the sparks are that super bright blue white color, they are
burning your retinas. This includes arcs from the spark gaps, or top load
to a grounded object (flash burns feel like sand in your eyes, and you don't
have to look at the spark gap to get them, ask my sister, whom got flash
burns from MY coil, even though I shielded the spark gap so she wouldn't (I
got them as well that night)). As far as I am aware, when the top load
sparks are free flying, they are relatively safe. As for Jacobs ladders, I
would say that depends almost entirely on power level AND ROD MATERIAL. A
low power level will liberate very few metal ions from the rods, but if your
Jacobs ladder is MOT powered (or pig powered for you really crazy guys out
there) make sure you use something that isn't going to ionize easily (like
stainless steel or copper). If you use aluminum, it creates a very (very
very) cool blue-green color arc, but it is very bright and probably will
indeed cook your retinas. If you use solder, it usually makes a deep blue
color, (like the blue fire from the movies) and melts the solder quick, I
don't think it is dangerous from a UV standpoint, but I wanted to throw that
out, because it looks cool (just use ventilation, as lead fumes are
dangerous (I assume)). If you still want to see the spark gap fire, I
suggest you use welding shield glass, you can get it from Lowe's or
wherever, and piece them together with opaque caulking (or make a stained
glass window with real lead, again beware of the fumes). It will look cool,
If you like green anyway.
Scott Bogard.
>From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: UV hazards from sparks (fwd)
>Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 08:00:45 -0600 (MDT)
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 17:06:04 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Mike Giblin <mike_99_eng@xxxxxxxxx>
>To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: UV hazards from sparks
>Hi folks,
> I know that both rotary and static spark gaps emit enough UV to toast
>one's retinas and that those gaps should always be shielded from view.
>But, how safe is it to look at the sparks from a Tesla Coil? What about
>gazing at the beautiful sparks and enticing flame from a Jacobs Ladder?
>Do I need special UV attenuating lenses?
> I figured that I better ask the experts (and experts in training) on
>this one rather than learn this lesson the hard way.
> Thanks,
> Mike Giblin
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