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Re: How to wind a simple Pancake Coil in less than an hour... (fwd)

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Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 01:55:49 +0000
From: Jeff Behary <jeff_behary@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: How to wind a simple Pancake Coil in less than an hour... (fwd)

Ha ha!

You know, its amazing that any of the coils actually work!  In my workshop, 
which is far from sterile but getting nearer every day (well, at least 
sections of it!), gets anywhere from 105 - 130 degrees in the summer.  I can 
wear latex gloves start to finish, be extemely careful, and then have a head 
full of sweat drop right down smack in the middle of the Pancake!

Inside, there's AC, its fairly peaceful (until Rita sees me winding a coil 
on the coffee table),  and then WAM!  Mejla, our bulldog, flies in the room 
after getting a drink and drools dog-knows-what onto the Pancake (and me, 
and anything else nearby) !!

My cat Baby Bear has at least once bitten the wire leading from the spool 
clean off in the middle of winding a coil.  She also had a hairball on one 
of my early Pancakes.

The ever-growing collection of stray cats have peed/sprayed on at least two 
coils and completely destroyed them electrically.  One of these 
"scented/flavoured" coils was discovered by Mejla and then eaten partially 
as a result of the feline-glyptol "dressing".  Snip-snip and $200 later 
solves that one...almost...Mejla later threw up the devoured coil (along 
with one of the cat's toys we didn't realise she ate) into the swimming 
pool, the deep end.  Cleaning it was worse than winding a new coil!

But honestly, at the end of day, if there were no distractions, drool, 
hairballs, sweat, knawing, chewing, spraying or doggy eruptions it wouldn't 
be the same, would it?

It could be worse, too!  Thomas Stanley Curtis ("High Frequency Apparatus") 
was nearly killed when his dog ran in the room and tripped over the knife 
switch on the floor to the coil he was wiring the secondary of the 
transformer of - nearly killed him!

Jeff Behary, c/o
The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum

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