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RE: R: A photographic tutorial of Pancake Coil winding...with movies... (fwd)
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Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 01:42:21 +0000
From: Jeff Behary <jeff_behary@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: R: A photographic tutorial of Pancake Coil winding...with
movies... (fwd)
Hi Vladi,
I normally wind the coil one turn per layer, but "zig-zag" the wire slightly
back and forth. This allows some space between the copper without effecting
the coupling much, and allowing some extra insulation. This also allows
more wire than a true "flat spiral".
For example, if I use 26 awg wire, with the paper insulation I get 50 turns
per inch. If I wind the coil on a 1" rod to 9" diameter (and it was a true
flat spiral) I would have 4" of winding = 200 turns of wire if the wire is
wound on top of each previous wire exactly.
Now, if I zig-zag the wire once left and once right as I am winding it I can
cross the previous wire only on one side of the winding...in this way I get
1 1/2 turns of wire in the same space as 1 turn if it were a true flat
spiral. So in the example I have 300 turns of wire, and 300 turns of
This sounds confusing, but I will include some pictures...
Jeff Behary, c/o
The Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum
>An answer: how turn of wire per turn of support are possible to wind in
>order to avoid superficial discharge, or, how could be the respect
>distance between two different layer copper to copper?
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