Original poster: "David Thomson" <dwt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Answer to your question is that "inductors are inductors" no
> matter what the shape and flat spirals have no special and desireable
> electrical properties.
This is not my experience. Wind a flat spiral coil to 300 kHz, then wind a
solenoid coil to 300 kHz. Coat each coil with 1/8" epoxy. The flat spiral
coil will rise in frequency, the solenoid will drop in frequency. The
geometries definitely do make a difference.
Further, there are two separate Wheeler equations for calculating the
inductance of flat spirals and solenoids. The reason there are two
different equations, rather than just one, is because the geometry *does*
make a difference in the coil's properties.
Also, flat spiral coils have a greater range of resonance than do solenoid
coils. For the same amount of wire and same average radius, a flat spiral
coil will have an output with lower potential and higher current than a