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Re: Laser guided Tesla Coil

Original poster: "Gary Peterson" <g.peterson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Original poster: "Anthony R. Mollner" <penny831@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

. . . How do you find these appropriate quotes anyways?
I work with Tesla writings on a regular basis.  Perhaps it's like a 
cowboy remembering individuals in a herd of cattle.  I guess you 
could say that I'm a word wrangler.  Also the "Edit; Find" feature helps a lot.
Here's another quote that's equally appropriate for this thread:

"There is a method of conveying great power to ships at sea which would be able to propel them across oceans at high speed. This method I conceived between 1897 and 1899, and in Colorado Springs in 1899 I made experiments along this line on a large scale.
"The principle is this: A ray of great ionizing power is used to give 
to the atmosphere great powers of conduction.  A high tension current 
of 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 volts is then passed along this ray to 
the upper strata of the air, which strata can be broken down very 
readily and will conduct electricity very well.
"A ship would have to have equipment for producing a similar ionizing 
ray. The current which has passed through the stratosphere will 
strike this ray, travel down it and pass into the engines which 
propel the ship. [Tesla Predicts Ships Powered by Shore Beam, New 
York Herald Tribune, May 5, 1935, www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1935-05-05.htm .]