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Re: Candle Power 2

Original poster: gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx YES.....I saw that. This video is a FAKE. The guy is turning something on and off under the table. Its a FAKE but it gives me a Tesla Coil idea.
I lined up 12 feet of tiny birthday candles and lite them all.  I 
placed a wire in a flame at each end connected a light bulb in series 
with a battery and the light buld light up.  I can shoot a TC arc 
threw the flame or discharge a cap bank threw the flames.  Nothing 
new everyone probably know a flame will conduct electricity.   The 
physical properties of fire must be equal to electricity.
With that in mind it makes me think.  Does the flame actually conduct 
or is it the carbon in the flame from the burning material that conducts?
I replaced the Toroid on my 4" TC with an aluminum pie pan.  I put 
about 1/4 cup of alcohol in the pie pan and ignited it.  With the 
lights off it does not burn a very large flame maybe 8 to 10 inches 
above the pie pan.  I turned on my TC and I get several 1000 blue 
sparks 5 feet long in all directions.  It forms a very large half 
circle of spark above the TC.  The sparks sorta look like a giant 
ball of steel wool burning blue.  There is no 1 arc or spark its just 
several million tiny sparks.  The flame helps to conduct the 
electricity my TC will normally produce 24" arcs now I get 5 ft 
sparks.   When the alcohol burns out the pie pan starts producing 
streamers from the edge.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Feb 13, 2007 7:06 PM
>To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: Candle Power
>Original poster: Mddeming@xxxxxxx
>Hi Gary, All,
>Notice how, whenever a device goes on or off,
>he places one hand, usually his left,under the
>table, manipulating the REAL power source.
>Nice illusion.
>Matt D.
>In a message dated 2/13/07 3:39:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
>tesla@xxxxxxxxxx writes:
>Original poster: gary350@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Check out this video.
>No comment until you have all watched the video.
>This gives me a Tesla Coil idea.