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RE: [PHISH] Re: Tungsten,2% Thoriated or Pure?

Original poster: "Anthony R. Mollner" <penny831@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

LOL, I've read the MSDS on the tungsten welding rods and there is nearly
zero to worry about. Unless of course you choose to attach a ventilator to
your gap and breath it in for a few months, than maybe, just maybe, you
MIGHT get cancer in 30 years, if you didn't get it from one of a million
other reasons. Just my thoughts, disagree with me if you like.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2007 7:59 PM
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [PHISH] Re: Tungsten,2% Thoriated or Pure?

Original poster: "Teslacoil Workshop" <workshop@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Bingo!!! You got it 100% right... Radioactivity doesn't help in a TC
application and we are ablating too much tungsten dust compared to welding
to make cross comparisons about the relative safety of adding alpha emitters
to tungsten.


 > Joe,
 > The objection to the use of thoriated gap elements is that thorium is
 > a naturally radioactive alpha particle emitter.  There is a small but
 > measurable amount of gap erosion during TC operation, with some of
 > that electrode material being converted to fine airborne radioactive
 > I think that many coilers are willing to sacrifice a small amount of
 > gap efficiency to reduce the risk of lung cancer.
 > Dave