Original poster: Jim Lux <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
At 09:19 PM 2/3/2007, you wrote:
Original poster: Jim <branley1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello Gentleman:
My son and I would like to build a tesla coil with a 15,000V,
450VA, 30MA neon sign transformer. Does anyone have a material list
that we can use to assist us in our scavenger hunt? Also any pearls
of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. I have been on this mailing
list for a few days and have been reading the posts and have found
them to be highly invaluable.
An easy and robust spark gap at that power is laying several short
(1-2") pieces of copper pipe next to each other. (the tubes are all
parallel). The "two bolts as spark gap" tends to get too hot too
quick and not work very well.
You need to track down capacitors. The two alternatives that are
reasonable are:
#1- beer bottles with salt water in a white poly bucket (search for
"bucket cap")... basically free, but bulky and it can spill
#2 - the MMC (multi mini capacitor).. a string of appropriate
capacitors in series. Not just any capacitor will do here.. you
need polypropylene dielectric (for low loss) and with the right
construction to handle the current. Search for "MMC".... for a
typical NST (neon sign transformer) buying them will cost about $30.
Toroidal topload: metal dryer vent host and piepans are your friend
Thank You!